Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Goldilocks - That's Me

In my quest for full-time employment, I've begun to truly feel like Goldilocks.  For those of you who aren't familiar with her, she's a character out of a fairy tale who visits the home of a family of bears while they are away and samples their things.  "This chair is too, big, this chair is too small, this one is just right!  This porridge is too hot, this porridge is too cold, this porridge is just right!", and so on.

Today I had a phone interview with the next big company to come out of California, but it wasn't the right fit.  They wanted to use my talents as an intern for 20 hours a week and then MAYBE hire me.  I'm all for gaining experience, but I need to be able to have things like food and electricity while I'm doing it.

So, I Skyped my mom to whine a bit.  She patiently assures me as only a mother can do that the right job is going to come along that will be the right fit.  

I just hope by the time it does I'm not sitting in the dark, eating cold porridge.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

In the Still of the Night

Here I am, at oh-my-gosh in the morning, when I should be sleeping.  After a round of job hunting, email-checking and facebooking, you'd think I would be falling asleep at my desk.  Why am I awake?

I drink coffee.  I used to look sideways at people who drank coffee, certain that it was doing horrible things to their bodies (and their teeth!).  Still I loved to stop a perfectly good stroll around the mall to slip into the corner mall coffee shop to simply smell the aroma of all the different flavors of coffee, each carefully packaged yet emanating their scents, invisible promises of reasons to smile filling the air.

I drink coffee in the morning and at night.  I would do well to focus only on the morning, but no, I have fallen strangely in love with drinking coffee at night, which does me no good whatsoever (unless you consider this post a rare positive result of a negative behavior).

I'm just barely awake, though.  I really don't know why I'm here (writing in my blog, that is - we'll save The Meaning of Life for another time). I'll spare you by not rambling further (my mind goes down the oddest corridors at this hour).  What I'd really like to know - if it's late at night or very early in the morning where you are - what are YOU doing here? :)  Go to sleep!