Wednesday, September 7, 2011

The Job

I love my job. One of them. All of them. (I have several, but still am not making what I need to pay all of my bills + my mortgage.) My most recent addition is that of Social Media Manager for a magazine. I love getting paid for that which I would be doing anyway on my own! Right now the magazine is published twice a year (warm and cold seasons, respectively). I hope it will grow with the work I am doing with regard to social media. So far so good!

Meanwhile, I am hoping to get a second job or full-time work with another place where I currently work per diem. People who work there I've never met peek at my LinkedIn page from time to time. I wonder if anything will come of it?

No, I'm not sitting on my hands, waiting for things to happen, but on the other hand I've learned enough to know that although I am responsible for doing what I can, the rest is best left up to God. He can see the unusual panorama that is my life from beginning to end, so with that perspective and given the fact that His son has died in my place (and yours, by the way), who am I to not trust Him to do right by me? In the past I have done things on my own with no regard to His plans for my life. When you do that, life really smacks you. Hard. It's all good though, you can't help but learn the lesson that God can be trusted.

So whose job is it to get me The Job or Jobs that will not only keep me from drowning in the murky waters that are this ridiculous economy but enable me to thrive? It's both my job and God's job. As the saying goes, I do my best, and leave the rest to Him. It doesn't sound very profound, and it's actually very simple, but sometimes the simple lessons in life are the most important.

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