Thursday, September 22, 2011

Why Not?

Have you ever flown a kite? Yes! We used to make them in art class in private school, then fly them as high as possible without tangling them up in the strings of each other's kites. This is one of the very few pleasant memories I have of that particular "school".

Do you wish on your fallen lashes? Nope. I haven't ever heard of this until now and it seems like a waste of time to me. Unless those wishes come true. I think I would wish that my lashes wouldn't fall out.

Do you consider yourself successful? I'm not what the world would call successful, but their idea of success is my idea of failure.

When was the last time that you made an obscene phone call? I never did that. No, really, I didn't! This reminds me of when I got a prank call that was not obscene but was very annoying. It just so happens that *69 had become available and I used it to call the idiot back.I told them never to call me again and refused to explain how I had gotten their number. I could tell by their voice they were totally spooked out. It was great! (They never called again.) I'm smiling as I write this...I wish I could do it all over again ~ it was that much fun.

Have you ever asked for a pony? No. First of all, my parents couldn't afford one. Then there was the fact that we had nowhere to put it. Third, I didn't want one. I wanted a cat. Or a dog.

Plans for tomorrow? I would like to get more done tomorrow than I did today. Or yesterday, for that matter...

Can you juggle? Juggle what? Jack-o-lanterns? Hamsters? Watermelons? If it's any of those things, then yes...sort of.

Missing someone now? Yes, and always. That would be my father.

When was the last time you told someone, "I love you?" The last time I saw my mom, which wasn't long ago.

How are you feeling today? Today I feel fat, even though I'm only moderately fluffy.

Worst job experience? I worked for a company that refused to let me work from home for a few weeks to spend more time with my father who was terminal with Cancer. Then they outsourced the jobs of almost everyone in my entire department and asked me if I would work from home to teach the people with our jobs how to do what we did. Needless to say, I said NO.

What are you looking forward to? More things than I can name here.

Have you ever crawled through a window? Probably. Hasn't everyone?

What's the most recent bad meal you had to endure? I eat pretty well and am thankful for all I eat, so this one doesn't apply.

Can you handle the truth? The truth about what? Next question, please!

Whose to blame for what's going on? Ok, I copied these questions elsewhere and pasted them here, so I'm entitled to be annoyed that someone doesn't know the difference between "whose" and "who's". The teacher who didn't teach you how to use the English language properly, that's who!

What will it take to fix it all up? Studying?...A miracle..?

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