Sunday, September 11, 2011

That Day

That morning I woke up having had the best sleep I'd had in years! My office didn't require us to dress up, but I felt so good that I put on a matching skirt, short-sleeved sweater, and necklace.

Driving to work, I looked up through the trees to see a blue patch of sky, and was amazed at how blue it was. It was a beautiful morning. My first hint at what was going on that day was a photo of the first crash sent to my inbox by my boss.

In the center of the office, someone propped a large radio up on one of the cubicles. We listened intently, not knowing what was going to happen next. When the second attack occurred, some left the office visibly upset, knowing that relatives in New York City were likely in danger.

At lunchtime I visited my parents as usual. Parked outside of their home, I turned on the radio for a moment. I will never forget how it sounded. As announcer after announcer broke in to report on the situation, the result was continuous jumbled chaos.

Inside, my father and I stood in amazement as we watched the events unfold on TV. We talked about it and about the fact that we were now at war. I didn't know a lot about this kind of attack and the kind of war which takes place as result, but he did. Doubtless his memory flashed back to the attack upon Pearl Harbor and his service in the Navy and that of his brothers in the Army and Marines, respectively.

After work, my ex-husband and I stood equally amazed as we watched TV. Shaken by the events of the day, it was good to finally slip back into sleep that night.

Today I wish I could speak with my father to get his impression of what has happened in this country since his death, and if our nation is again attacked, I will want to know what he would say to that, as well. Of course, I hope that never happens, but who can tell?

9/11 is etched on our minds and on our hearts, so while I might not remember where I put my car keys, I can remember in memory and emotion, details of that day like none other. Where were you that day?

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